생방송 일정

새벽예배 매일 새벽 5:10

주일1부예배 주일 오전 7:50

주일2부예배 주일 오전 9:50

주일3부 청년연합예배 주일 오후 12:50

주일4부예배 주일 오후 3:50

삼일1부예배 수요일 오후 2:30

삼일2부예배 수요일 밤 7:10

금요철야예배 금요일 밤 8:10

지금은 생방송 중이 아닙니다.


2019 Yonsei Central Baptist Church Christmas Praise of All Congregation

2019-12-25 2,659

* 2019 Yonsei Central Baptist Church Christmas Praise of All Congregation *
* 2019 Cantate de Noël de Toutes les Fidèles à l'Église de Yonsei *

Act 1 (Holy Birth of Jesus)
Acte 1 (La naissance Sainte de Jesus)

- Oh holy night
- Minuit, chrétiens

- Joy to the world
- Joie pour le monde

Act 2-1 (Death)
Acte 2-1 (La mort)

- Golgotha
- Golgotha

- The cross of heavy burden
- La croix la croix du fardeau lourd

- Were You There When They Crucified my Lord
- Étiez-vous là quand ils ont crucifié mon Seigneur

Act 2-2 Resurrection
Acte 2-2 la Resurrection

- He is Alive
- Il est vivant

Act 3-1 Mission of winning souls
Acte 3-1 La Mission de gagner des ames

- Preaching the Cross
- Prêcheur de la croix

Act 3-2 Hope for Heaven
Acte 3-2 l'Espoir pour le Ciel

- The Bright, Heavenly Way
- La voie lumineuse et célèste

- Hallelujah
- Alléluia

"All this work was done by the Lord.
To the Lord who used all the members in our church.
We give thanks, praise, and glory."

"All this work was done by the Lord.
C'est Dieu qui a tout fait
To the Lord who used all the members in our church,
À seigneur qui a utilisé tous les membres de notre église
We give thanks, praise, and glory.
Nous rendons la gratitude, la louange et la gloire."

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