
번호 제목 날짜 조회
279 [CHN][生灵降临主日] 藉着圣灵彰显耶稣的生平 2015-05-24 2,659
278 [ENG] Let us be Witness of Jesus by the Holy Spirit 2019-02-04 1,938
277 [CHN] 藉着圣灵给耶稣作见证 2015-05-17 2,593
276 [CHN] 人子那为祭物的性命 2015-05-10 2,511
275 [CHN] 让家人都得救 2015-05-03 2,518
274 [ENG DUB] Repentance Requires the Blood of Jesus 2017-01-04 1,720
273 [CHN] 悔改的绝对要求是耶稣的宝血 2015-04-26 2,594
272 [ENG DUB] Preach the Gospel so that may be Saved 2017-01-04 1,769
271 [CHN] 传福音叫人得救 2015-04-19 2,597
270 [ENG DUB] Unlimited Passion for Winning Souls 2016-12-30 1,746
269 [ENG DUB] Use the Right of the Resurrection 2016-12-26 1,767
268 [CHN] [复活主日] 要使用主的复活赋予你的权利 2015-04-05 2,571
267 [ENG DUB] Resurrection is the Victory of the Glory 2016-12-16 1,748
266 [CHN] 复活是荣耀的得胜 2015-03-29 2,562
265 [ENG DUB] Love as the Lord Commands 2016-12-16 1,798
264 [CHN] 照着主的命令爱人 2015-03-22 2,549
263 [ENG] Jesus the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven 2019-02-04 2,243
262 [CHN] 天国的钥匙耶稣 2015-03-15 2,590
261 [ENG] Be Uncompromining in Winning Souls 2019-02-04 2,137
260 [CHN] 不可让步的救灵传道 2015-03-08 2,523
259 [ENG] Let the Message of the Cross Become the Power of God for salvation 2019-02-04 2,350
258 [CHN] 让十字架的道成为得救的大能 2015-03-01 2,583
257 [ENG] The Pain of Father and the Son 2019-02-04 2,171
256 [CHN] 与圣父圣子的疼痛有份 2015-02-22 2,561
255 [ENG] Let us Resolve to be with the Lord 2019-02-04 2,067
254 [CHN] 立志与神同行 2015-02-15 2,749
253 [ENG] Let the Glory of God be Glory to God 2019-02-04 2,115
252 [CHN] 把神的荣耀归给神 2015-02-08 2,650
251 [ENG] Hold on to Faith and a Good Consciensce 2019-02-04 1,961
250 [CHN] 信心和无亏的良心 2015-02-01 2,695