
번호 제목 날짜 조회
729 [CHN] 担当我们疾病的耶稣 2021-01-05 1,369
728 [CHN] 将身体献上当作活祭 2021-01-05 1,378
727 [CHN] 天国近了,你们应当悔改 2020-07-08 1,826
726 [CHN] 耶稣宝血的人不被魔鬼欺骗 2020-06-26 2,164
725 [CHN] 基督宝血的生命的能力 2020-06-24 1,752
724 [CHN] 基督宝血的能力 2020-06-11 1,927
723 [CHN] 只有信心的真理能胜过试探 2020-06-03 1,622
722 [CHN] 浪子啊,向等待你的父回转吧 2020-05-11 1,875
721 [CHN] 立了志向的信仰生活 2020-03-10 1,969
720 [ENG] The Spiritual Life with a Resolution 2020-02-07 3,277
719 [CHN] 让祷告的应许成就 2020-02-08 1,743
718 [ENG] Achieve the promise of prayer 2020-01-24 2,169
717 [ENG] Become a grown man to succeed in the kingdom of God 2020-01-30 2,102
716 [ENG] Be with the Holy Spirit this year 2020-01-18 2,051
715 [CHN] 2020一年当中与圣灵同行 2020-01-15 1,974
714 [CHN] 为了最后的审判 2020-01-16 1,668
713 [ENG] For the Final Judgment 2020-01-16 1,901
712 [ENG] Great Banquet of Life by Jesus 2019-12-26 2,020
711 [CHN] 道成肉身用血赐生命的耶稣 2019-12-18 2,121
710 [ENG] The Word became flesh and jesus gave grace by the blood 2019-12-18 1,926
709 [CHN] 耶稣的话语是生命是命令 2019-12-18 1,791
708 [ENG] The Words of Jesus are the Commandment and Eternal Life 2019-12-12 1,981
707 [ENG] I Love You, Lord 2019-12-05 2,071
706 [ENG] Praise the Lord, O My Soul 2019-11-27 2,028
705 [ENG] The Lord Uses the lgnorant One 2019-11-16 2,187
704 [CHN] 神使用世上无知的人 2019-11-13 2,363
703 [CHN] 像主那样服侍人 2019-11-13 1,843
702 [ENG] Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith 2019-11-22 1,959
701 [ENG] Jesus in the World like Desert 2019-10-24 2,557
700 [CHN] 我来是为了传道 2019-11-13 1,831