
번호 제목 날짜 조회
699 [ENG] I have come to Evangelize 2019-11-04 2,123
698 [CHN] 绝对不能掉地狱 2019-10-24 2,023
697 [CHN] 要不住地祷告 2019-10-24 1,901
696 [ENG] Show Thanksgiving to the Lord who Grants Grace upon us 2019-10-16 2,298
695 [CHN] 你们和求我祷告我我就应允 2019-10-15 2,057
694 [ENG] Call upon me and I will answer 2019-10-09 2,302
693 [ENG] Be pure and blameless until the day of Christ 2019-10-04 2,197
692 [CHN] 流出宝血的爱 2019-10-06 1,938
691 [ENG] The Love That Shed His Blood 2019-09-25 2,245
690 [CHN] 靠着神的恩典而活的人所过的感恩节 2019-09-25 1,950
689 [ENG] The Thanksgiving Day of Those Who Live by the Grace of the Lord 2019-09-19 2,080
688 [CHN] 感恩的靶子是耶稣的宝血 2019-09-25 1,900
687 [ENG] The Blood of Jesus, Our Target for Thanksgiving 2019-09-21 2,013
686 [CHN] 耶稣基督的宝血 2019-09-05 2,025
685 [ENG] The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ 2019-09-04 2,264
684 [CHN] 你们若遵行我的话必永远不见死 2019-09-07 1,946
683 [ENG] That Very Word Which the Lord Spoke Judges at the Last Day 2019-08-29 2,587
682 [CHN] 你们若不悔改必和他们一样灭亡 2019-09-05 1,933
681 [ENG] Unless you repent, you too will all perish 2019-08-23 2,161
680 [CHN] 作诚实无过的人,直到基督的日子 (4部) 2019-11-13 1,736
679 [CHN] 十字架的路 2019-09-05 2,013
678 [ENG] The Way of the Cross 2019-08-14 2,325
677 [CHN] 得到了属天福气的人 2019-08-16 2,011
676 [ENG] He who has Holy Blessing 2019-08-06 2,308
675 [CHN] 靠着耶稣的能力胜过魔鬼的诡计 2019-08-09 1,997
674 [ENG] Overcome the Devil's Schemes by the Power of Jesus 2019-07-29 2,216
673 [ENG] Let us Live by the Power of the Lord through Prayer 2019-08-02 2,160
672 [CHN] 祷告,靠着主的能力而活 2019-07-19 2,529
671 [CHN] 我的心啊,你要称谢神 2019-07-18 2,027
670 [ENG] Praise the Lord, O My Soul 2019-07-18 2,106